Sunshine Blogger Award


Thank you so much to Hammy Reviews for nominating me for a Sunshine Blogger Award! This is my very first award, so very exciting! Thank you again!

The Rules:

  1. Post the award nomination on your blog
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you
  3. Answer 11 questions assigned to you
  4. Nominate 11 other bloggers for the Award
  5. Ask 11 questions to your nominees

The Questions:

The Simpsons or South Park?

The Simpsons, for me. It’s such an easy watch and good to have on in the background.

Do you believe in conspiracy theories?

Yes. Yes I do.

The worst film you’ve seen so far this year?

I don’t think I’ve seen enough films this year to adequately answer this. I’m not a huge movie watcher, admittedly!

What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen?

The Lego Movie. Everything was not awesome.

What’s you favourite film adaptation of a book?

Harry Potter series. I think that the casting is on point, the script adaption was awesome and I love that it’s how I envisioned everyone!

Who is your favourite film Batman? Keaton, Bale or Affleck?

I am really enjoying Ben Affleck as Batman! So at the moment, Affleck!

What would be your dream job?

Probably what I do now. I love my job, I love going to work every day.

Do you play any musical instruments?

No. I wish I did though!

Have you ever completed a Rubik’s Cube?

Nope. I always found them to be way to frustrating.

Who’s your favourite director?

I don’t think  I actually have one, I like to judge a film on its merits – casting, script – all those things, I don’t think I look at the director and think, “I will see this movie!”

What would be your favourite film of the 21st century?

Harry Potter series… hands down. LOVE!

My nominations:

  1. Graphic Novelty
  2. Geek Blogger UK
  3. Axis of Action
  4. unbolt
  5. Lethis
  6. Comics Grinder
  7. Dear Reader
  8. Sci Fi Jubilee
  9. So Many Books
  10. Holy Batgirl 
  11. Shimo

My Questions:

  1. Favourite comic book series?
  2. Favourite comic book character?
  3. What is your favourite movie based on a comic series?
  4. Do you have a favourite comic writer?
  5. Favourite quote from a comic book?
  6. Cats or Dogs?
  7. If you recommend any comic or novel to read – what would it be?
  8. If you could adapt any comic series into a movie – what would it be?
  9. What was the last movie you saw?
  10. What was the last comic you read?
  11. If you could have a dinner party with five comic book characters, who would they be?

6 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: The Sunshine Award – Lethis

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